Miercoles 14 Agosto

Warm Up


3 rounds: 10 rolling back-10 barbell jefferson curl-10 barbell good morning


Pausing Deadlift

Load Increase with 3 reps till 70%

1 pausing deadlift (2 second knees and 2 seconds knees going back down) + 2 deadlift

Met Con


Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 reps.

1 rep: 75%; 1 rep:80%; 1 rep:85%; 1 rep:90; 1 rep:95%

1’ Wall-sit after each rep

End Of The Wod

For time

21 American swing -6 x 15m shuttle sprint

15 American swing -6 x 10m shuttle sprint

9 American swing -6 x 5m shuttle sprint