Sabado 08 Febrero

Partner Warm Up

1 Round:

P1: Row *

P2: 5 Inch Worms + Push Up -5 Bootstraps -20 Single Unders
*P1 Rows until P2 completes their work, then they switch

2 Rounds:

P1: Row*

P2: 10 BB Goodmornings -10 Scap Pull-Ups -20 Single Unders (High Jumps)

*P1 Rows until P2 completes their work, then they switch

Partner Workout In Team Of 2

For Time

60 Cal Row

60 Pull-Ups

40 Deadlift

200 Double Unders

60 Cal Row

200 Double Unders

40 Deadlift

60 Pull-Ups

60 Cal Row
*P1 works while P2 rests. Switch every 10 or 15 cal on the rows. Workout must be complete in order. Split up reps of Pull-Ups, DL, and DU any way between partners.