Sabado 14 Marzo

Warm Up

4 Rounds:  (progress the Row each round)

10 Rower Strokes (legs only- damper on 8-10)* -10 Scap Pull-Ups- 10 Alt. Groiners -10 Cossack Squats

*1. Rower Strokes (legs only), 2. Rower Strokes (arms only), 3. Rower Strokes (legs, then arms, arms, then legs), 4. Full speed Strokes
Progress to 5 Kipping Swings for Rounds 3 & 4


Movements Of The Workout


Partner Workout In Team Of 2

For Time*

100 Cal Row

100 Pull-Ups

30 Front Squat (185/125)|(135/95)

50 Pull-Ups

50 Cal Row

30 Front Squat

*P1 works while P2 rests. Workout must be completed in order. Split reps any way. Front Squat comes from the ground. C2B is optional for teams. Row can be split any way.